Apr 22, 2024

Professor Budy Resosudarmo is giving lectures specializing in Development and Environmental Planning in Developing Economies


Professor Budy Resosudarmo, a distinguished visiting scholar from the prestigious Australian National University, recognized as the premier academic institution in the Asia-Oceania region, has begun teaching a series of lectures entitled "Special Topics in MPMA (KT511) - Development and Environmental Planning in Developing Economies" within our MPMA program. Professor Resosudarmo has an outstanding academic career marked by an extensive publication portfolio, globally recognized teaching skills, and holds senior editorial positions in leading international academic journals and associations. The first session witnessed the enthusiastic participation of nearly 20 students eager to gain invaluable insights from his expertise.
This comprehensive course spans 7 weeks and 14 sessions. We expect our students to gain profound and invaluable perspectives.

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