Dec 18, 2020

MPMA Stata seminar


On December 11th, Prof. Kataoka conducted non-credit online introductory training seminar of Stata, a statistical package widely used in the natural and social science. The seminar covers the following topics, using Indonesia’s province-level panel data of per capita income.

1. Brief overview of Stata syntax rule
2. Check the unique identifiers and missing values: isid, duplicate, misstable
3. Combine two files into one: amend /merge
4. Convert data from wide to long form and vice versa: reshape
5. Repeat the same tasks: foreach, forvalues.
6. Export results to non-Stata files: putexcel, putdocx, asdoc, outreg
7. Graph: graph combine

Based on the feedbacks from the participants, we provide a series of training opportunities.

Voice from the participants:

•The session was extremely helpful. I would like to thank you Professor for contributing your valuable time to deliver your lectures.
•This kind of seminar really helpful for any tasks related to data operation in the future. Thank you for arranging such a substantial course.
•The contents are very useful and practical. Instructor is fantastically well-organized, enthusiastic and dedicated.
•Do-file helped a lot and can review after class, thanks for providing it, Sensei.

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